Can you believe it is 2023 already? Can't wait to see what this year has in store for us!
Out here at camp we rang in the new year with some of our young adults, a group who is always reliable for fun and faith. I feel especially proud of each of these leaders having gotten to see them grow up into these amazing adults.
We spent the weekend talking about how God goes with us when we go with God, and how God keeps his promises to us and then spent a few minutes at midnight praying over each other and the new year.

We also had an amazing Women's crafts and care retreat, complete with a massage therapist, at the beginning of December. We enjoyed that retreat so much that we decided to have another one the last weekend in April! It's going to be a great time! I know I can't wait.
The best thing about all of our retreats is the time we get to spend in fellowship together as a camp family, and getting to welcome new people into our camp family. We don't have much planned for 2023 yet, but if you want to book a retreat, we would love to hear from you. Email contact@campbethel.net for availability.
The last big bit of news we have for you as we start considering what this year looks like is the 2023 #lovecampbethel pledge drive. In order to maintain the same price for summer programs that we have since the 90s and make camp affordable for all age groups. We are starting up our pledge drive again. By giving $5.00 every month you will help us to build up new programming and keep our doors open through out the year. There is not always something happening at camp but we are committed to always being here when you need a place to get away to.
To donate, you can hit the donate button at the top of our webpage.
Can't wait to spend another amazing year with all of you.
im want to make a playlist of the camps warship songs so i feel like im there
hey its me henry parish i just want to know if you could send me a list of the songs for warship
camp bethel is like a second home to me