Happy November! One month closer to summer!
We're celebrating Thanksgiving this month so be sure to tune into our social media to see all the reasons we're thankful for camp. Speaking of Thanksgiving, we plan on celebrating with Sirius Black Friday. Come out to the Spruce Lodge and watch all the harry potter movies together. Cost will be $85 per person. It's going to be a great time.
We're also in the process of winterizing camp and in doing so we have been finalizing plans to update our cabins. If you want to get some last minute donations in before the end of the year, we're looking for people to sponsor the renovations. You can email us at contact@campbethel.net to find out more. We're so excited to have everyone see all the improvements we're working toward over the next few years.
We don't have the dates for the winter youth retreat yet but we do have a women's crafts and care retreat scheduled for December 9-11. Details and registration are up on the retreats page.
Its beautiful and quiet out here at camp and we'd love to share it with you. If you want to book a personal retreat or bring a clamming group out, be sure to send us an email to get our schedule. We're looking forward to seeing you.